Summertime Madness

So, I was sitting here trying to come up with something to blog about. There’s obviously a plethora of issues that deserve yet another opinion; Bill Nye, abortion, feminism, mandatory healthcare, Trump, transgender issues, etc.

So why not do a blanket post?

I’ll touch on a bunch of stuff briefly to try to get the inspiration flowing. You guys should feel free to comment your opinions and let me know what you want to hear more about.

First: Bill Nye

Yes, technically Bill Nye is a “scientist” since he has a degree in a scientific field. But he has, since then, abandoned all forms of logical and scientific thinking. He has sold out to the liberal agenda and spouts their twisted ideas as undeniable facts.

No, it is not because “our understanding of science has changed”. Things as obvious and physical as chromosomes don’t just change, conveniently with an uprising of people deciding they are transgender or that they’re genders that don’t exist. You can’t change your gender. There is “gender re-assignment” surgery, but you can’t go in and change your chromosomes. A person born a male can never physically be a female, no matter how big his fake boobs are.


Second: The Demonization of Christians

I’m sick of it. Granted, in regard to many social issues throughout the years, Christianity has been the black sheep, the bad guys. The newest issue is the Catholic hospital that refused to perform a hysterectomy on a woman who felt like a man and wanted the procedure done as part of her sex reassignment.

The hospital refused.

First off, of course they did. Its a Catholic hospital n the idea of a person changing the identity that God gave them on such a basic anatomical level is preposterous and sinful.

Second, they don’t perform ANY sterilization surgeries on ANYONE. It goes against their moral code. So no, this is not the church discriminating against transgenders. It is them following the same rules they use with every person that enters their building.

And lastly, why did this woman go in there, ask for a hysterectomy, knowing it was a Catholic hospital and then get butthurt when they said they couldn’t? There are plenty of hospitals that do perform hysterectomies. I have to believe it is similar to the Christian bakery incident years ago. This isn’t a case of an innocent person asking for a product out of good intentions. These people single out Christian companies, ask for things that they know Christians will not morally comply with, then cry out discrimination.

This immature behavior of attacking for the sake of attacking is old and overused. It’s like when you’re little and you sing constantly around your sibling because you know it bugs them. This is the LGBT saying “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you.” in between poking us.


Third: Trump and Healthcare

There is no winning. Democrats are mad at Trump because he’s making changes to Obamacare that they don’t like. Republicans are angry because he hasn’t completely repealed Obamacare yet.

Everyone needs to calm down.

The man has been in office for 100 days and he has been very busy.

He told the Republicans to come up with something to replace Obamacare with. They came up with something slightly different, but just as terrible. So yes, he said he’d work with Democrats because Republicans failed. It is nothing for Republicans to be upset about. He’s doing what you want. He’s trying to back off from Obamacare.

But if all he does right now is strip it away, he removes healthcare for millions of people with no replacement. It’s a bad business move, as much as it sucks for us tax-paying Americans that are funding Obamcare. So give the man some time.

Also, no, Trump is not leading us into war.

We. Have. Been. At. War.

We’ve been at war almost my whole life, definitely as long as I can remember well. This has been a constant issue. He’s trying to lead us OUT of war because the last President’s approach didn’t do anything helpful.


Fourth: Summer!

Something a little more light-hearted. It’s summer!!! I’m so happy I could cry. Alaskan winters are brutal.

However, with summer comes all sorts of interesting outfits and opinions on how women should dress. Here’s throwback to a post Miriam and I wrote.

“You Don’t Need the Burka”

Modesty doesn’t have a formula and the Bible doesn’t have guidelines about what clothes to wear. It does have guidelines about how you should view your body, treat it, and how to view yourself in regards to the opposite sex. These are all factors of modesty. The fact that I wear crop tops doesn’t make me less Christian than you, it means that I didn’t put it on to impress men, I put it on because it’s freaking hot outside and my husband knows that I’m not showing my body off to anyone else.


I think that’s about it for this post. I would appreciate feedback so I know what you guys would like to her more about. I’ll be getting internet at y cabin soon so I’ll be able to blog more often!

Use Them Logics

So, I was blessed enough to be homeschooled by a mom that cared about my education. She made sure I had all my basics down and added in specialty classes to shape me into a functioning member of society.

I spent an entire semester studying logic.

Thank the Good Lord.

It is honestly the class I think I am most thankful for.

I can debate an issue clearly, without resorting to name-calling, emotions, character-attacks, and logical fallacies that make my position less plausible.

My big question is, why don’t all the other parents care?! I have gotten into many many discussions/arguments where my ‘opponent’ has completely denied the existence of logic.

If you’ll excuse the language I have been called a dumbass more times than I can count without any proof of what I’m being so dumb about!

Dear Parents,

Please teach your child to come up with valid points. Teach to avoid the petty and childish character-attacks in order to win arguments. Teach your kids how to research, cross-reference. Teach them to discuss controversial topics civilly. Teach them to be respectful even when someone disagrees.

Logical people do not riot in the streets and they don’t think name calling wins an argument.

-A Concerned Young Woman

I have had many conversations with people my age where their references are social media, fake news sources, or the first statistic they find in Google search. They don’t know how to effectively stand up for their beliefs. They contradict themselves without even realizing it.

Because, I honestly don’t care if you agree with me or not. But if you disagree by posting a comment full of expletives, claiming I know nothing because I’m hateful, judgmental, racist, without any proof or any reason for you to think that, I can’t take you seriously.

I will make sure my children study logic and debate. I want them to be prepared for the real world. I hope you do the same.

And if you never had a chance to study logic and debate in school, it’s never too late to learn! They are easy concepts that simply take practice. You can google logical fallacies and learn them in a day. You don’t want to be THAT person when trying to prove your point.

Cover Boy

This post won’t be very long since I’m doing this on my phone. However I have one question.

Where did it all fall apart?

The newest Cover”girl” is, in fact, a boy. He has a mans jaw, masculine build, and oh yeah, a penis. All of these thing make him male. Biologically he is male.

But because one day he got a delusion that he should be a girl, everyone decided he should be a girl. So now he’s a girl.

Except that he’s not. All he did was put makeup on.

The problem nowadays is the fact that people think sex (as in anatomically) and gender are different, when they are actually biologically synonymous.

It’s fine that people say you can pick your sexual orientation. It’s true that you can choose what you’re attracted to. That doesn’t make it right or normal, but it is true. You can be attracted to potatoes for all I care.

What you cannot choose is WHAT YOU ARE. You can’t wake up one morning and decide you’re male even though you have a vagina in the same way I cannot wake up and decide I am a baby penguin.

It is impossible, illogical, and sinful.

Christians, you are not called to condone this! Saying this is ok is saying God makes mistakes when He creates us. How dare you accuse our God of that.

I was born a female. That is what God intended me to be and no mental illness can change that.

Just because a man takes estrogen and puts makeup on, that doesn’t make him a woman. Neither does a sex change because he cannot carry, give birth, or feed a baby.

Just because a woman takes testosterone and dresses differently does not make her a man.

Why is this a difficult concept?

We are a disgustingly fallen world.

You Don’t Need the Burka

Modesty is a touchy subject amongst the Christian population.

Amongst the entire population really.

Everyone has an opinion. Here’s ours.

“You Don’t Need the Burka”

by Wild Thing and Bohemian Goddess


Modesty is not about what you put on your body. Your wardrobe is a result of your mindset.

You can’t look at somebody who is wearing less clothing than you think they ought to and say “They have low self-esteem. They’re dressing like that because they’re trying to get boy’s attention.”

I, Wild Thing, am married. I dress in a way that is flattering, I dress in what my husband likes, I dress in a way that gives me confidence.

I, Bohemian Goddess, am a single pringle, so naturally I have some interest in attracting the opposite sex, but I believe the most honest way to do that is by dressing myself in whatever makes me feel the most like ME. I might show my back, some stomach or legs, but I’m not doing that for the sole purpose of reeling in men.

Okie doke, now that we have that established, we can move forward.

What makes a long sleeve shirt more modest than a tank top?

Are arms immodest? Are shoulders?

At what point does immodesty kick into effect?

We like crop tops, shorts, high heels, open-back shirts, and strapless dresses.

They make us feel confident.

THAT is what women should be dressing for.

We are not responsible for men’s thoughts. That is a blatant lie fed to us by those who would like us to wear burkas and stay indoors. Rigid Christians (and rigid peoples of other beliefs, such as Islam) who think that to show is skin is to be immodest when really it’s all about intention.

As stated above, we dress to feel beautiful, to feel good about ourselves. We don’t dress so that men walking down the street want to hire us to have sex with them.

Modesty is different for different people! We aren’t trying to tell you what to wear. But be mindful of who you are dressing for.

On a slightly different, but very related, note…


What. The. Heck?

Why is this term a thing?

When did people decide that being a slut is something to be praised and protected? That’s like saying prostitution is fine and stripping is morally fine.

By the way, since nobody can use a dictionary anymore, the word “Slut” is defined as ” a woman with many sexual partner. See; whore, tramp, harlot”

It’s not about her dressing a certain way. It’s about behavior. Shameful behavior that we should not be encouraging.

The problem with people is that we think it’s better to encourage someone in wrong behavior rather than hurt their feelings.

It’s like saying “No, you’re fine, I’m not going to try to lead you away from Hell because your eternal misfortune is not worth hurting your feelings by saying that maybe you should present yourself in a way that’s a little more respectable.”

If you love someone, you want them to be happy, to feel good, but also you want them to know when they have messed up.

It’s like the relationship between parents and children. Parents love their kids and have their best interest at heart. But when the kid does something wrong, they get disciplined. It’s not because the parent doesn’t love their child. The exact opposite. The parents love their child so much that they don’t want them to repeat that mistake.

That’s what we have to do for our friends.

If Bohemian Goddess was walking around in hot pants and a bralette and stilettos, sleeping with anyone that wanted to have sex with her, you can bet your sweet patuckus I’d tell her to knock it off because she’s worth more than that.

That’s what the heart of modesty is. Self-worth. Respectability.

When you dress for other people it’s no longer about how you view yourself. And that’s unhealthy and you’ll never get the fulfillment you’re looking for.

A Post in Which I Use a Mean Word

WARNING: If finding out the actual meaning of the word ‘slut’ and why the term ‘slut-shaming’ needs to be done away with offends you than this is not the post for you.

Someone told me today that the word ‘slut’ is around the make girls feel bad about showing off their body.

Obviously this person has never seen a dictionary.

The definition of slut: A woman who has many sexual partners. Also see- whore, harlet, tramp.

Huh. Nothing about her body or the way she dresses.

An awful thing has happened. People now use the term “slut-shaming” when they feel like one person is trying to tell another person how to dress.

Misusing words is dangerous.

By saying people shouldn’t ‘slut-shame’ you are inadvertently saying that being a slut is okay.

This is what your daughters, sisters, and friends are seeing. Being a slut is ok because people who slut-shame are evil, rigid, Christians who are judgmental, celibate, and self-righteous.

And no one wants to be like that.


You don’t want your little girls to grow up to be sluts! Unexpected pregnancies resulting in abortions would happen. STD’s. Broken hearts. Emotional damage. Sometimes bodily damage.

Saying we shouldn’t ‘slut-shame’ is like saying prostitution is admirable and stripping is morally ok.

What we should be doing is teaching girls that they shouldn’t body-shame which is making other people feel bad about their bodies.

We should be discouraging them from a slutty lifestyle.

Christians especially should not be calling other people out on “slut-shaming”!  When we see others crying out about people “slut-shaming” we need to tell them that nothing about being a slut is commendable and that they should not be encouraging that!

Stand up for your beliefs! You are being silenced because you are afraid of hurting feelings.

Jesus was not silenced. He preached about sexual misconduct to hundreds of people! He told them what was wrong to do. You can do that! You are capable.

The only group that is allowed to be offended and oppressed nowadays is Christians. Anyone else and it’s a hate crime. But not Christians. Because we are SILENT. Speak up!

The church is being persecuted by our culture and we are letting it happen. Other people will not do the work for you. Christians needs to have a voice again.

Confessions of a Ninja Ballerina: Marriage

It has been 3 1/2 months since Golden Boy and I tied the knot.

It has been truly wonderful.

We have our own place, which we love. A cute little cabin, very small and very adorable. I’m having a grand time decorating on a budget. Value Village. Nobody should be above it. I found the most beautiful framed chalkboard there.

I try really hard to be a good wife and cook our meals most days. On days when I just really don’t feel like it, Golden Boy steps right in and gladly cooks dinner for me, which I find very sweet.

Of course there are the hard parts. But they aren’t bad. Just difficult. Little fights happen just like they did while we were dating. We get past them.

We go on a nice date night once a month. April’s happens to be tonight. He’s taking me out to dinner. I’m very excited 🙂

We have impromptu ‘date nights’ also, which usually consist of popcorn and South Park paired with a nice red wine. It works for us.

So, that’s what we’ve been up to. If you have any spectacular advice for newlyweds, we would love to hear it. Or if you newlyweds out there want to share your little stories, I would love to read them!

Also, would y’all be interested if I posted my favorite recipes so far? I have some good ones….

Anniversary Musings

You know that moment when you lock eyes with someone for the first time and you just… know?

There’s this shiver crawling in slow motion up your spine. Your mouth twitches into a smile. You find so many hidden things in those eyes.

And you want to know more about them.

It’s been two years since Golden Boy and I went on our first date. Of course, we didn’t know it was a date until he dropped me off. That’s when we decided it had been a date. He met my dad for pity’s sake.

That first date was the most nerve-wracking experience. The entire time we were desperate for non-awkward conversation. I kept staring at his hands, wondering if they were brave enough to hold mine on the first date. I swear we hardly looked at each other.

Two years later we can’t stop looking at each other.

I want to tell all you girls out there (and boys) that there is no problem WAITING. When Golden Boy and I started dating, we had already been friends for a year and we just had this feeling that things were going to work out. I don’t know about him, but I was positive that I could spend the rest of my life flirting with this man.

There’s nothing wrong with waiting until you are sure.

We have something so special, him and I. We are each other’s first and only relationship. First date. First kiss. First everything. And that is not something that is common these days. I’m so glad that he is getting all of me and that I am getting all of him. No one took any of me as theirs and kept it. I was able to tell him that I waited for him. And he waited for me.

There is nothing glorious about being a heartbreaker. There is nothing special about burning through boyfriends or girlfriends. Slow down. Wait to fall in love.

I was in love with my man long before we went on our first date. The great part is that love gets so much deeper with time. Every day I love him more.

I hope that everyone reading this gets that chance. It is the best feeling.

Have a fantastic day everyone.

Confessions of a Ninja Ballerina: Bad Days

Some days are just bad.

You wake up and you have a headache, you’re just in a sour mood, your coffee didn’t even taste good, your hair’s a mess, you can’t find anything to wear, and for pity’s sake you can’t even get your eyeliner to look the same on both eyes.

Then you have to go to work.

Let’s be real here. Your boss doesn’t like it when you come in with a bad mood, your co-workers don’t like it, and the employees don’t like it. You have to get over it, but how?

In my case, it’s especially hard to find a minute to breathe because my job is watching and teaching 40 7-12 year old public school kids. But I have found that locking myself in the bathroom for a minute to breathe does wonders.

Really though, the first step in getting past your bad mood is letting yourself. Sometimes we get stuck in our grumpiness and we kind of enjoy the self-pity. Too bad. Be open to smiling a little.

Let your co-workers cheer you up. If you’re friends with any of them, they’re probably already trying. If you despise your co-workers (I hope you don’t. It’s miserable) then at least let their complete foolishness and ridiculousness cheer you up.

Filter out the bad employees. The rude comments, the frustrating situations, the immature arguments, everything. Don’t hold on to it. It’s not worth it. Instead pay attention to the friendly smiles, fun exchanges, and if you work with kids, the random hugs and odd conversations.

It all boils down to what attitude you choose to have. If you are intent and being sucked into this bad mood, never to return, then nothing will cheer you up. You have to be open to the good things happening around you and let them influence your attitude.

I hope you all have a really good day. 😁

A Collection of Problems

I get frustrated pretty easily. Not angry, but frustrated.Things that frustrate me:

People who can’t take a joke.

Pro-choice advocates.

“Gay Christians” (You are not actively following Christ if you choose to be gay.)

People who get offended at everything. (Guess who the Biblical example of getting offended easily was? Not Jesus! The Pharisees. Just saying.)

Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip. Seriously. That’s just not cool.

Not being able to do petite allegro. Ugh.

Pro-choice advocates (yes, again)

FEMININAZIS ( x 3,000,000,000,000. Aghhhhhh. Ok, I’ll be honest, feminists legitimately make me angry sometimes, just because they are so ridiculous.)

Racism from anyone. Not just white to black. Blacks are racist towards whites too. All ethnicities are capable of being racist towards a different ethnicity. It’s really, really, really dumb.

There are more random things that frustrate and/or annoy me, but there’s some. And most of them are not just because of personal preference or whatever, they’re because the Bible clearly says they are not good things.

Please read your Bible.

Back to the Rosin

Dance starts back up today!

After an insanely long break it’s back to the hardwood, metal bars, and oh-so-glorious rosin.

Tonight I get to teach the first class of the semester and I’m looking forward to it.

I bought 95 new songs, I have some new experience under my belt and I am feeling prepared. New leotards don’t hurt either 😉

I honestly don’t know if I’m looking forward to teaching or actually dancing more. I love both so much. I love working and seeing improvement in myself, but seeing improvement in the girls I teach is very rewarding too.

I have mixed feelings about the upcoming show, but hopefully it’ll be great. It’ll at least be cute.

I thank God so much for my dance family and the opportunities I get with it. I am so blessed by ballet.

For my lovely dancers reading this, can’t wait to see you this week! Love you all!