Confessions of a Ninja Ballerina: Bad Days

Some days are just bad.

You wake up and you have a headache, you’re just in a sour mood, your coffee didn’t even taste good, your hair’s a mess, you can’t find anything to wear, and for pity’s sake you can’t even get your eyeliner to look the same on both eyes.

Then you have to go to work.

Let’s be real here. Your boss doesn’t like it when you come in with a bad mood, your co-workers don’t like it, and the employees don’t like it. You have to get over it, but how?

In my case, it’s especially hard to find a minute to breathe because my job is watching and teaching 40 7-12 year old public school kids. But I have found that locking myself in the bathroom for a minute to breathe does wonders.

Really though, the first step in getting past your bad mood is letting yourself. Sometimes we get stuck in our grumpiness and we kind of enjoy the self-pity. Too bad. Be open to smiling a little.

Let your co-workers cheer you up. If you’re friends with any of them, they’re probably already trying. If you despise your co-workers (I hope you don’t. It’s miserable) then at least let their complete foolishness and ridiculousness cheer you up.

Filter out the bad employees. The rude comments, the frustrating situations, the immature arguments, everything. Don’t hold on to it. It’s not worth it. Instead pay attention to the friendly smiles, fun exchanges, and if you work with kids, the random hugs and odd conversations.

It all boils down to what attitude you choose to have. If you are intent and being sucked into this bad mood, never to return, then nothing will cheer you up. You have to be open to the good things happening around you and let them influence your attitude.

I hope you all have a really good day. 😁