President Trump

We have a new president!! As weird as it is to write “President Trump” I am happy that the Obamas are out of the White House. It was time for change and now that change is upon us.

In the four days since he became President, Trump has actually done a surprising amount of work. He already defunded Planned Parenthood!!!!! That is such a victory for Bible-believing Christians everywhere.

However, with President Trump’s inauguration came a resurgence of American stupidity. There are riots, women marching around in vagina costumes, protests calling for impeachment, and hatred across the nation.

I would like to get one thing straight. While I support Trump for President I do not condone his past actions. I don’t like his sexist comments or the fact that he cheated on spouses any more than anyone else. However, that doesn’t mean he’s a terrible President. He is flawed like the rest of us, like every President before him. At least his flaws are out in the open now, not released halfway through presidency. We as a nation voted him in already knowing these facts.

Issue 1: Rioting

The American People have the right to peaceful protests. Protests are a way for us to let those in power know we are unhappy. Protests do not include weapons, beating people, or destruction of property.

Rioting is a way to show those in power that you are a whiny child that didn’t get their way. Newsflash: destroying private property doesn’t hurt the government, it hurts the person whose property you destroyed.

The riots serve no purpose except to show the Republicans that Democrats need to chill out, especially the liberals.

Yes, I’m aware that there were protests after Obama was elected. Some were hateful and rude and obviously those aren’t okay. However, there were no week-long riots. There were no freeways blocked.

This is unacceptable behavior. The rest of the world is laughing at the American liberals.

Issue 2: The women




You already have all the rights a man does.

Wage gap? I wrote a post explaining the myth. Look here.

I also hear women crying about not getting paid maternity leave. You’re not working, you can’t expect most jobs to pay you to stay home with your newborn for months. It’s not discrimination, it’s business. And men don’t get fraternal leave of any sort, even if his wife is sick or he suddenly finds himself a single father.

Women demand to feel safe walking alone at night. As much as it sucks, that’s not something any one person can change. Rape exists and the people that rape other people live below the law. They don’t care how much women work to “de-sexualize the body”. Which, by the way, is stupid. I like feeling sexy. I like feeling beautiful and attractive. Feminists are so confused because they spout that men sexualize us too much then turn around and order men to find every body type desirable. Make up your mind.

Also, rape does not only happen to women. Same case with domestic and sexual abuse. It happens to both genders. But feminists only fight for women. This movement is NOT ABOUT EQUALITY.

If you are reading this thinking ‘But I’m a feminist and all I want is equality’, then congratulations, you have it. You shouldn’t call yourself a feminist anymore, you’re just a decent person. The feminist movement is no longer about equality. They want things that men don’t need, don’t have, don’t get. It’s now about women getting everything they want and being treated special.

It truly sickens me.

All in all, I think we need to give Trump a chance before deciding whether or not he’s a good president. It’s the same fairness and decency that was expected to be shown to every president before him. It’s time to grow up and look forward.

And pray for our new president. He has a big mess to clean up and a lot of hatred and pressure against him.

I hope my fellow women, and the men who support feminism, realize how unreasonable they are being. You are hurting your entire generation with the illogical and unfounded misandry that you are spreading.

I Don’t Need Feminism Because…

I don’t need feminism because I do not see myself as a slut, nor do I see that as something to be proud of.

I’m in a loving relationship with a man who loves to take care of me and we’re on the same page about our relationship.

Rape culture does not exist.

I don’t see myself as better than men.

The wage gap does not exist. See here

I am a Christian, I know that traditional roles for men and women are Biblical.

I am secure in being a woman.

I don’t need abortion.

Hair dye has not leaked into my brain, causing delusions.

I know what hygiene is.

I wear a bra (bouncing boobs is painful. It’s not about the patriarchy)

The patriarchy does not exist.

I am not voting for Hillary just because she is a woman and appeals to womens “ideals”.

I have the logics.

As you can see, I don’t need feminism. Many women don’t need feminism. Actually, no one needs modern feminism. It is a cancer in our society. And poor men are suffering from it. They are being attacked for existing. Women are not.

The grit of it is women are getting a kick out of being victims. They are looking for things to get offended by. Stop being a bunch of pansies. You are making me ashamed of my gender.

Seriously, when did feminism become yelling in a street, your armpit hair pink, in lingerie garters with X’s taped over your nipples?

It used to be about respect. About a single woman being able to support her family. About women having a say in who’s president.

Now women want “free bleeding” “free the nipples” and free abortion.

I don’t need these things. Neither do you. Grow up.

The Truth AboutWomen Being Paid Less

Here’s the truth: Women are not getting paid less.

Anyone who has taken any sort of logical thinking course can figure out that the statistics can’t possibly take into account every possibility.

The fact is, yes, on average women make less of an income than men.

Because less women work! In 2014 47.4 of the civilian workforce was female. That 2.6% that was added onto the male wage average would’ve been quite a bit a money, making it look like men earned more. Which they did. Because there’s more of them.

More women are likely to quit a job to take care of family than men. The poll from non-working adults showed that 61% of women gave this reason and only 37% of men.

Also, take into account maternity leave, where women still have a job that they aren’t making money from.

Women are more likely to take part-time jobs so that they can also care for children, whereas more men take full-time jobs, consequently earning more money per year than women.

There are of course exception to every rule.

But if you look at the average per-year wage statistics statistics, which is all we get, it certainly looks like women are discriminated against, when really they just work less or work lower paying jobs.

More men seek the higher-paying full-time jobs so that they can support their families.

Middle-class wives, for the most part, don’t absolutely have to work and consequently don’t seek the highest paying jobs. They tend to find jobs that they’ll enjoy doing, or jobs where they can work from home, which, on average, won’t pay as much.

The wage gap doesn’t exist. It’s lies being spoon-fed to you from a media that wants to get feminists riled up.

Do some research, don’t just accept what you see on the news

Religious Tunage

“We’re going down to the river
Down to the river, down to the river to pray
Let’s get washed by the water
Washed by the water and rise up in amazing grace
Let’s go down, down, down to the river (You will leave changed)
Let’s go down, down, down to the river (Never the same)”

  • The River

“There’s a war between guilt and grace
And they’re fighting for a sacred space
But I’m living proof
Grace wins every time”

  • Grace Wins

“You are loved
If your heart’s in a thousand pieces
If you’re lost and you’re far from reason
Just look up; know you are loved
Just look up; and know you are loved
When it feels like something’s missing
If it hurts but you can’t find healing
Just look up, know you are loved
Just look up, know you are loved

  • You Are Loved

“So when you’re on your knees and answers seem so far away
You’re not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place
I’m on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
Just be held, just be held”

  • Just Be Held


These are choruses from the four most popular Christian songs today. Really, they sound like one song if you string them together.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t absolutely hate Christian music.

But honestly….. They’re all the same.

God is there

He is with you.

You are loved.

No worries.

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, but generally speaking, Christian songs and shallow puddles of acoustic guitar and keyboards playing the same four chords in every song.

The Bible is deep. There is so much substance there. And so many old hymns portray that so beautifully.

But nowadays contemporary Christians music is like spoon-feeding a baby. Here is the bare bones of Christianity: Jesus loves you.

And of course, it’s true. But can’t you ever sing about anything that has to do with real life? I wanna hear the song about God helped you out of an abusive relationship. I want the grit of real life, the angst, the depression, the pressure.

NOT “I was going through all this hard crap but I was fine because God is with me.”


No one is ever fine going through break ups, addictions, mental illness, death, depression. No one. It doesn’t matter how devout you are, how many times you go to your church during the week. It doesn’t matter who you study the Bible with or how you pray.

Saying that you are ok going through all of that is bullcrap.

You’re lying. You are lying to non-Christians about what faith means.

Faith doesn’t mean you are ok. Faith doesn’t mean you’re happy all the time.

Faith means you have somewhere to go to. Faith means there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Faith is not flowers. Faith is a coach while you struggle through an obstacle course. Faith is your best friend. Faith is not some prescription medicine you take to feel good about yourself.

That’s why Christian music pisses me off. It’s not real. It’s not what people struggle with. It’s so candy-coated.

Step it up, people. I would love some substance.

Those Sinful Taxcollectors

I love learning new things about Jesus’ life and his mission on earth. I hope you feel the same.

This morning my mom and I read Matthew 9:9-13 (My favorite passage of the three. If you’re only going to read one of the passages, read this one.) Mark 2:13-17, and Luke 5:27-32

First off, to avoid confusion, Levi and Matthew are the same person. Don’t ask how that happened, I don’t know.

So, Jesus calls Levi (Matthew) to follow Him, so of course he does, and he’s so excited he throws this banquet.

Well Jesus found Matthew sitting at a tax collectors booth, so obviously there were a few tax collectors.

The Pharisees and Scribes got all upset, because when don’t they?

They asked Jesus why He was eating with sinners. Jesus replied with the most awesome reply ever.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Does it seem profound to you? Because it seems profound to me.

The first sentence goes along pretty well with the verse about seeing the plank in your own eye. Most of us know that verse pretty well. Careful not to misuse it. That verse isn’t saying that you must be sinless in order to judge another Christian’s sin. It is saying you have to be honest to yourself and recognize what your sin is. It’s about avoiding being hypocritical, not about being blameless and not judging others.

The second part of Jesus’ answer is referring to Hosea 6:6 and Micah 6:6-8. I encourage you to look them up, they are both great verses. They are saying how burnt offerings and sacrifices are not what God wants. He doesn’t want a big showy display of Christiaity. He wants acknowledgement and for us to walk with Him as best we can.

The verse uses the word mercy. Mercy does not mean excusing a sin and saying that everything is ok as long we love each other. It means desiring what is good for others. What is better than salvation and repentance? How can someone repent without knowing what their sin is?

The last part is Jesus reminding the ignorant Pharisees yet again what His mission was. It was not to call the righteous, but to reach the sinners and bring them closer to God.

Note the wording. Jesus didn’t use the word ‘believers’ he used ‘righteous’. Who among us is righteous? No one. We are all sinners. He was not saying He was only calling sinners and left the believers alone. He spoke to the sinners who recognized that they were sinners and recognized their need for Him. Not the self-righteous Pharisees and scribes.

Jesus was emphasizing the need to acknowledge your own sin and turn to Him. I love that. I love that that was His focus because it is so important to repent. It’s how we get closer to God.

Confessions of a Ninja Ballerina: Organization

Planning is good.

I have, today, decided to actually do some planning for my dance classes. My mom had the fantastic idea to put my combinations on notecards in a little notecard box, separated into the different types of steps by the little dividers.

What’s awesome about this is that I can write down all the combinations, every week, and eventually and I can just pull out notecards to plan my class.

If you teach anything like dance or martial arts or anything, this is a great idea. If it’s dance, you can even write the song you used on the notecard, which is what I’m going to do.

Looking forward to today’s well-planned class. 🙂

Any dancers following me? Comment if you’d like me to make a post with some of my favorite combinations.

Let’s Toss Him off a Cliff

Have you ever wanted to throw someone off a cliff?

Luke 4:16-27 talks about Jesus making people so incredibly mad that they wanted to toss Him over a cliff.

You now what He did? He went to the synagogue on Sabbath and read from the Old Testament. I encourage you to read the passage to get the whole story.

Jesus read a prophecy from Isaiah about Himself, actually, pointing out who He was and what His mission was.

He recognized the authority of the Old Testament.

Jesus was in His hometown and He knew that His people were going to ask Him to perform the kind of miracle he had other places. But he said that His hometown wasn’t the place to do it and he quoted Old Testament stories about Elijah and Elisha.

His people got so mad that they literally drove Jesus out of town, to the edge of a cliff, and were about to throw Him off. Jesus eluded them and walked away.

He didn’t apologize for making them angry. He didn’t try and appease them. He knew He was in the right, so He just walked away.

Jesus made people angry and it wasn’t a sin. He did not do it on purpose, they got angry because they were convicted or because they were so set in their ways that they didn’t want to budge, not even for God.

My goal for this blog is not to upset people, contrary to what I’ve been accused of. It is not to judge people, contrary to popular belief as well. My goal is to spread the Word of God. And I’m sorry, but if you are a Christian, shouldn’t that make you happy?! I use Bible verses in context for it, it is not simply my feelings, like many Christians are entirely too reliant upon.

I am trying. I am trying so hard to do what God has called us all to do. Why do you attack me for it? What is more loving than sharing God’s Word? What is more loving than leading people to Him? Answer me that before you accuse me of being hateful.

We’ve made this sin ‘ok’… so we should make this sin ‘ok’

I read an article today ( ) that is legitimately trying to convince people that we should welcome and want homosexuality in the church because we’ve made sins like divorce and remarriage ok.

How does this logic?!

Seriously, it’s the same as saying, well we’ve made divorce acceptable. Let’s tell the people that murdering each other is ok.

One sin being accepted in a society does NOT mean that another should. It means we need to work on eradicating the first sin. Divorce and remarriage are only ok under the strict Biblical guidelines. The Bible very clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, no if’s, and’s or but’s.

Now don’t misunderstand me, homosexuals should be welcome into the church, but in no way should we paint homosexuality in the light that it is ok. It is NOT. Stop being so worried about offending people and worry about saving people.

People will not turn to God if they think their sin is acceptable to Him.

Read the above sentence until it sinks into your brain. People will NOT TURN to God if you tell them that it is ok to sin! They will find no need for a savior.

So think about how you handle things like this. Are you leading people to God or telling them they don’t need Him?

Spreading the Word (Not What you Think)

(Psst. It’s not by sharing verses on Facebook.)

Seriously, it’s a pet peeve of mine, when all people do is share verses on Facebook instead of actually talking about what the Bible is saying. Like, yeah, verses are great, but you have to understand them and their application.

And you can’t share God’s Word with other people by just repeating it like a parrot.  It will mean absolutely nothing to non-believers. They don’t read verses and think “Wow! That’s so amazing. God is great. My life is changed.” No, they challenge them. And if all you can do is give them more verses instead answering the question in a practical way, you will never reach anyone.

It’s different if you’re dealing with a Christian. If THEY won’t accept verses in context then something is wrong with their faith or their perspective on things. It’s God’s answer book to us. As a Christian, you either believe all of the Bible or you don’t. You can’t pick and choose.

With that being said, my mom and I read John 4: 27-42 today. It was Jesus finishing up with the Samaritan woman at the well and how he changed the lives of all these Samaritans. Pretty awesome stuff.

Jesus said that His first priority was to do the Will of God, always. He denied himself food and rest in order to talk to people about God.

He foretold the revival/conversion in Samaria, which was pretty epic since it was the Samaritans He was talking about.

A cool thing that people don’t seem to realize is that Jesus knew everything about this adulterous, sinful woman and still loved her. He’s like that with us. No matter what you’ve done in your past, God loves you and is ready to forgive you, You just have to ask and repent.

Jesus delighted in His work more than anything in the world. He loved it more than taking care of himself. Jesus got so excited about telling people about God that His disciples couldn’t help but get excited with Him.

Near the end of this passage He used a metaphor of harvest time for spreading the Word of God, which is why I started out my blog post the way I did. By using this little metaphor, He told the disciples that they shouldn’t be waiting for a harvest time to come. It was harvest time now. He was telling them not to wait to tell people about God, that you can do it anytime and the best time is now.

Also, when reaping the harvest, everyone must do His share. If you don’t do the work, you don’t get the benefits. No free stuff. Work.

Now, I don’t believe that works get you to Heaven, but Jesus said there was a reward in heaven for people who spread His word, so obviously it’s important. You can’t rely on others to do your part though. You have to get out for yourself and share the Word. You have to do more than parroting Scripture, however. Jesus didn’t do that. It made it relevant, applicable. We have to do the same.

As always, I pray that I am in the right to say this, but I believe God has put these issues on my heart for a reason. I have felt led to blog about sharing the Word, and my Bible study this morning was conveniently on that exact topic, so it seems like this is what God wants me to talk about.

Please consider the words I have said and let God change your heart if it needs to be.