President Trump

We have a new president!! As weird as it is to write “President Trump” I am happy that the Obamas are out of the White House. It was time for change and now that change is upon us.

In the four days since he became President, Trump has actually done a surprising amount of work. He already defunded Planned Parenthood!!!!! That is such a victory for Bible-believing Christians everywhere.

However, with President Trump’s inauguration came a resurgence of American stupidity. There are riots, women marching around in vagina costumes, protests calling for impeachment, and hatred across the nation.

I would like to get one thing straight. While I support Trump for President I do not condone his past actions. I don’t like his sexist comments or the fact that he cheated on spouses any more than anyone else. However, that doesn’t mean he’s a terrible President. He is flawed like the rest of us, like every President before him. At least his flaws are out in the open now, not released halfway through presidency. We as a nation voted him in already knowing these facts.

Issue 1: Rioting

The American People have the right to peaceful protests. Protests are a way for us to let those in power know we are unhappy. Protests do not include weapons, beating people, or destruction of property.

Rioting is a way to show those in power that you are a whiny child that didn’t get their way. Newsflash: destroying private property doesn’t hurt the government, it hurts the person whose property you destroyed.

The riots serve no purpose except to show the Republicans that Democrats need to chill out, especially the liberals.

Yes, I’m aware that there were protests after Obama was elected. Some were hateful and rude and obviously those aren’t okay. However, there were no week-long riots. There were no freeways blocked.

This is unacceptable behavior. The rest of the world is laughing at the American liberals.

Issue 2: The women




You already have all the rights a man does.

Wage gap? I wrote a post explaining the myth. Look here.

I also hear women crying about not getting paid maternity leave. You’re not working, you can’t expect most jobs to pay you to stay home with your newborn for months. It’s not discrimination, it’s business. And men don’t get fraternal leave of any sort, even if his wife is sick or he suddenly finds himself a single father.

Women demand to feel safe walking alone at night. As much as it sucks, that’s not something any one person can change. Rape exists and the people that rape other people live below the law. They don’t care how much women work to “de-sexualize the body”. Which, by the way, is stupid. I like feeling sexy. I like feeling beautiful and attractive. Feminists are so confused because they spout that men sexualize us too much then turn around and order men to find every body type desirable. Make up your mind.

Also, rape does not only happen to women. Same case with domestic and sexual abuse. It happens to both genders. But feminists only fight for women. This movement is NOT ABOUT EQUALITY.

If you are reading this thinking ‘But I’m a feminist and all I want is equality’, then congratulations, you have it. You shouldn’t call yourself a feminist anymore, you’re just a decent person. The feminist movement is no longer about equality. They want things that men don’t need, don’t have, don’t get. It’s now about women getting everything they want and being treated special.

It truly sickens me.

All in all, I think we need to give Trump a chance before deciding whether or not he’s a good president. It’s the same fairness and decency that was expected to be shown to every president before him. It’s time to grow up and look forward.

And pray for our new president. He has a big mess to clean up and a lot of hatred and pressure against him.

I hope my fellow women, and the men who support feminism, realize how unreasonable they are being. You are hurting your entire generation with the illogical and unfounded misandry that you are spreading.

Cover Boy

This post won’t be very long since I’m doing this on my phone. However I have one question.

Where did it all fall apart?

The newest Cover”girl” is, in fact, a boy. He has a mans jaw, masculine build, and oh yeah, a penis. All of these thing make him male. Biologically he is male.

But because one day he got a delusion that he should be a girl, everyone decided he should be a girl. So now he’s a girl.

Except that he’s not. All he did was put makeup on.

The problem nowadays is the fact that people think sex (as in anatomically) and gender are different, when they are actually biologically synonymous.

It’s fine that people say you can pick your sexual orientation. It’s true that you can choose what you’re attracted to. That doesn’t make it right or normal, but it is true. You can be attracted to potatoes for all I care.

What you cannot choose is WHAT YOU ARE. You can’t wake up one morning and decide you’re male even though you have a vagina in the same way I cannot wake up and decide I am a baby penguin.

It is impossible, illogical, and sinful.

Christians, you are not called to condone this! Saying this is ok is saying God makes mistakes when He creates us. How dare you accuse our God of that.

I was born a female. That is what God intended me to be and no mental illness can change that.

Just because a man takes estrogen and puts makeup on, that doesn’t make him a woman. Neither does a sex change because he cannot carry, give birth, or feed a baby.

Just because a woman takes testosterone and dresses differently does not make her a man.

Why is this a difficult concept?

We are a disgustingly fallen world.

You Don’t Need the Burka

Modesty is a touchy subject amongst the Christian population.

Amongst the entire population really.

Everyone has an opinion. Here’s ours.

“You Don’t Need the Burka”

by Wild Thing and Bohemian Goddess


Modesty is not about what you put on your body. Your wardrobe is a result of your mindset.

You can’t look at somebody who is wearing less clothing than you think they ought to and say “They have low self-esteem. They’re dressing like that because they’re trying to get boy’s attention.”

I, Wild Thing, am married. I dress in a way that is flattering, I dress in what my husband likes, I dress in a way that gives me confidence.

I, Bohemian Goddess, am a single pringle, so naturally I have some interest in attracting the opposite sex, but I believe the most honest way to do that is by dressing myself in whatever makes me feel the most like ME. I might show my back, some stomach or legs, but I’m not doing that for the sole purpose of reeling in men.

Okie doke, now that we have that established, we can move forward.

What makes a long sleeve shirt more modest than a tank top?

Are arms immodest? Are shoulders?

At what point does immodesty kick into effect?

We like crop tops, shorts, high heels, open-back shirts, and strapless dresses.

They make us feel confident.

THAT is what women should be dressing for.

We are not responsible for men’s thoughts. That is a blatant lie fed to us by those who would like us to wear burkas and stay indoors. Rigid Christians (and rigid peoples of other beliefs, such as Islam) who think that to show is skin is to be immodest when really it’s all about intention.

As stated above, we dress to feel beautiful, to feel good about ourselves. We don’t dress so that men walking down the street want to hire us to have sex with them.

Modesty is different for different people! We aren’t trying to tell you what to wear. But be mindful of who you are dressing for.

On a slightly different, but very related, note…


What. The. Heck?

Why is this term a thing?

When did people decide that being a slut is something to be praised and protected? That’s like saying prostitution is fine and stripping is morally fine.

By the way, since nobody can use a dictionary anymore, the word “Slut” is defined as ” a woman with many sexual partner. See; whore, tramp, harlot”

It’s not about her dressing a certain way. It’s about behavior. Shameful behavior that we should not be encouraging.

The problem with people is that we think it’s better to encourage someone in wrong behavior rather than hurt their feelings.

It’s like saying “No, you’re fine, I’m not going to try to lead you away from Hell because your eternal misfortune is not worth hurting your feelings by saying that maybe you should present yourself in a way that’s a little more respectable.”

If you love someone, you want them to be happy, to feel good, but also you want them to know when they have messed up.

It’s like the relationship between parents and children. Parents love their kids and have their best interest at heart. But when the kid does something wrong, they get disciplined. It’s not because the parent doesn’t love their child. The exact opposite. The parents love their child so much that they don’t want them to repeat that mistake.

That’s what we have to do for our friends.

If Bohemian Goddess was walking around in hot pants and a bralette and stilettos, sleeping with anyone that wanted to have sex with her, you can bet your sweet patuckus I’d tell her to knock it off because she’s worth more than that.

That’s what the heart of modesty is. Self-worth. Respectability.

When you dress for other people it’s no longer about how you view yourself. And that’s unhealthy and you’ll never get the fulfillment you’re looking for.

A Post in Which I Use a Mean Word

WARNING: If finding out the actual meaning of the word ‘slut’ and why the term ‘slut-shaming’ needs to be done away with offends you than this is not the post for you.

Someone told me today that the word ‘slut’ is around the make girls feel bad about showing off their body.

Obviously this person has never seen a dictionary.

The definition of slut: A woman who has many sexual partners. Also see- whore, harlet, tramp.

Huh. Nothing about her body or the way she dresses.

An awful thing has happened. People now use the term “slut-shaming” when they feel like one person is trying to tell another person how to dress.

Misusing words is dangerous.

By saying people shouldn’t ‘slut-shame’ you are inadvertently saying that being a slut is okay.

This is what your daughters, sisters, and friends are seeing. Being a slut is ok because people who slut-shame are evil, rigid, Christians who are judgmental, celibate, and self-righteous.

And no one wants to be like that.


You don’t want your little girls to grow up to be sluts! Unexpected pregnancies resulting in abortions would happen. STD’s. Broken hearts. Emotional damage. Sometimes bodily damage.

Saying we shouldn’t ‘slut-shame’ is like saying prostitution is admirable and stripping is morally ok.

What we should be doing is teaching girls that they shouldn’t body-shame which is making other people feel bad about their bodies.

We should be discouraging them from a slutty lifestyle.

Christians especially should not be calling other people out on “slut-shaming”!  When we see others crying out about people “slut-shaming” we need to tell them that nothing about being a slut is commendable and that they should not be encouraging that!

Stand up for your beliefs! You are being silenced because you are afraid of hurting feelings.

Jesus was not silenced. He preached about sexual misconduct to hundreds of people! He told them what was wrong to do. You can do that! You are capable.

The only group that is allowed to be offended and oppressed nowadays is Christians. Anyone else and it’s a hate crime. But not Christians. Because we are SILENT. Speak up!

The church is being persecuted by our culture and we are letting it happen. Other people will not do the work for you. Christians needs to have a voice again.

The Truth AboutWomen Being Paid Less

Here’s the truth: Women are not getting paid less.

Anyone who has taken any sort of logical thinking course can figure out that the statistics can’t possibly take into account every possibility.

The fact is, yes, on average women make less of an income than men.

Because less women work! In 2014 47.4 of the civilian workforce was female. That 2.6% that was added onto the male wage average would’ve been quite a bit a money, making it look like men earned more. Which they did. Because there’s more of them.

More women are likely to quit a job to take care of family than men. The poll from non-working adults showed that 61% of women gave this reason and only 37% of men.

Also, take into account maternity leave, where women still have a job that they aren’t making money from.

Women are more likely to take part-time jobs so that they can also care for children, whereas more men take full-time jobs, consequently earning more money per year than women.

There are of course exception to every rule.

But if you look at the average per-year wage statistics statistics, which is all we get, it certainly looks like women are discriminated against, when really they just work less or work lower paying jobs.

More men seek the higher-paying full-time jobs so that they can support their families.

Middle-class wives, for the most part, don’t absolutely have to work and consequently don’t seek the highest paying jobs. They tend to find jobs that they’ll enjoy doing, or jobs where they can work from home, which, on average, won’t pay as much.

The wage gap doesn’t exist. It’s lies being spoon-fed to you from a media that wants to get feminists riled up.

Do some research, don’t just accept what you see on the news

Religious Tunage

“We’re going down to the river
Down to the river, down to the river to pray
Let’s get washed by the water
Washed by the water and rise up in amazing grace
Let’s go down, down, down to the river (You will leave changed)
Let’s go down, down, down to the river (Never the same)”

  • The River

“There’s a war between guilt and grace
And they’re fighting for a sacred space
But I’m living proof
Grace wins every time”

  • Grace Wins

“You are loved
If your heart’s in a thousand pieces
If you’re lost and you’re far from reason
Just look up; know you are loved
Just look up; and know you are loved
When it feels like something’s missing
If it hurts but you can’t find healing
Just look up, know you are loved
Just look up, know you are loved

  • You Are Loved

“So when you’re on your knees and answers seem so far away
You’re not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place
I’m on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
Just be held, just be held”

  • Just Be Held


These are choruses from the four most popular Christian songs today. Really, they sound like one song if you string them together.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t absolutely hate Christian music.

But honestly….. They’re all the same.

God is there

He is with you.

You are loved.

No worries.

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, but generally speaking, Christian songs and shallow puddles of acoustic guitar and keyboards playing the same four chords in every song.

The Bible is deep. There is so much substance there. And so many old hymns portray that so beautifully.

But nowadays contemporary Christians music is like spoon-feeding a baby. Here is the bare bones of Christianity: Jesus loves you.

And of course, it’s true. But can’t you ever sing about anything that has to do with real life? I wanna hear the song about God helped you out of an abusive relationship. I want the grit of real life, the angst, the depression, the pressure.

NOT “I was going through all this hard crap but I was fine because God is with me.”


No one is ever fine going through break ups, addictions, mental illness, death, depression. No one. It doesn’t matter how devout you are, how many times you go to your church during the week. It doesn’t matter who you study the Bible with or how you pray.

Saying that you are ok going through all of that is bullcrap.

You’re lying. You are lying to non-Christians about what faith means.

Faith doesn’t mean you are ok. Faith doesn’t mean you’re happy all the time.

Faith means you have somewhere to go to. Faith means there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Faith is not flowers. Faith is a coach while you struggle through an obstacle course. Faith is your best friend. Faith is not some prescription medicine you take to feel good about yourself.

That’s why Christian music pisses me off. It’s not real. It’s not what people struggle with. It’s so candy-coated.

Step it up, people. I would love some substance.


I have discovered, due to my diet, that rockfish is definitely worth eating.

That is some good stuff.

Just lightly fry it, maybe with some garlic salt, eat it with brown rice and a little bit of lemon juice, maybe some broccoli on the side.


The weird thing is, it was the cheapest fish at Wal-Mart.

Yes, I bought fish from Wal-Mart. I know, I took my life into my own hands.

The Ghost Writer (4)

Yes, yes I know it has been a while, but that’s alright. You can always go back and read the last three installments. (Found under the category Fictional Thoughts)



Casidi didn’t want to fall asleep. The dream would come back, it would end up written up on her typewriter, and things would just be weirder.

She called Dean up.

“Baby it’s two in the morning. Don’t we have church tomorrow?” He answered.

“Yeah, but I can’t sleep. This dream thing is really weirding me out.”

“It’s only been two nights.”

“Well, yeah, a recurring dream is one thing. A recurring dream that ends up on my typewriter the next morning, complete with editing? That’s something else entirely. I don’t know what’s going on.”

“Then put away your typewriter. You can’t type anything up if it’s put away.”

“Oh… that’s a good idea.”

“Get some sleep, beautiful. Coffee before church?”

“It’s a date, handsome.”

“Ok. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Casidi felt her body relax. Nothing beat hearing her man say those words.


Dean hung up and Casidi set to putting away her typewriter. It went in it’s case in the closet across the room. She pulled the sliding door closed and promptly fell asleep.


She and Dean were in a car. But his name wasn’t Dean here. It was Charlie.

“Where are we?”

“On our way to San Antonio. That’s where the answers are.”

“That’s hundreds of miles away.” Dream Casidi went with the bizarre scenario, hoping it would make more sense.

“Not anymore. We’ve been on the road for three hours. We’re getting close.”

“Dean did you do this?” Casidi gestured to her bandaged side.

Dean/Charlie glanced over. “No, you did that. We stopped at a gas station remember? And stop calling me Dean. I don’t know who this Dean guy is, but there better not be anything going on with you and him.” He looked rather put out.

“Sorry. I’m still light-headed from… blood loss.”

Charlie’s face softened. “Does it hurt baby?”

Casidi focused on her side and washed in mind-numbing pain. “Oh!” She gasped. “A lot!”

“We’ll get you to a doctor after we get to San Antonio. We just can’t risk going anywhere else.”

“Who’s after us?!”

Something smashed into the side of their vehicle.


Casidi shot out of bed as her alarm rang the beginning of Sunday morning. She hopped out of bed and got in the shower. Her mind was reeling. How was this dream continuing every night?

She didn’t feel rested at all. Her sheets indicated that it had been a restless night.

Casidi leaned against the wall of the shower and yelped in pain. Craning her neck, she spotted a large purple bruise on the back of her upper arm.

“What the-” Obviously she had been a bit more restless than she thought.

She dried off, put on a dress, and was on her way out the door to meet Dean when her peripheral vision caught something. Her typewriter was out of it’s case, by her bed, with two new sheets typed up cleanly.

Aardvarks and Asparagus

Pin by Carianna Klimek on Absolute Genius | Pinterest

It’s just time for another light-hearted post filled with funny, random pictures.

cartoons, asparagus, wise vegetables, floss | Now That's Funny ...

Life TIPS from asparagus.

Well duh. What else did you think it was for?

Saw this Tapir at Bristol Zoo - Album on Imgur

Tapir’s be so smooth.

Bahahahaha I know this is bad but it’s hilarious!

funny moose - Dump A Day

Here in Alaska I’ve seen my fair share of moose. But I’ve never seen one smiling…

Lemurs are kind of terrifying. Look at those eyes O.O

My cat missed me | Fun Cat Pictures

Ladies and gentlemen…. cats.

Since apparently NO ONE has seen this picture. Stop looking at me weird when I say “Whatever floats your goat!”

Oh…. 😥

Well that concludes today’s funnies. I hope you got a good laugh.