You Don’t Need the Burka

Modesty is a touchy subject amongst the Christian population.

Amongst the entire population really.

Everyone has an opinion. Here’s ours.

“You Don’t Need the Burka”

by Wild Thing and Bohemian Goddess


Modesty is not about what you put on your body. Your wardrobe is a result of your mindset.

You can’t look at somebody who is wearing less clothing than you think they ought to and say “They have low self-esteem. They’re dressing like that because they’re trying to get boy’s attention.”

I, Wild Thing, am married. I dress in a way that is flattering, I dress in what my husband likes, I dress in a way that gives me confidence.

I, Bohemian Goddess, am a single pringle, so naturally I have some interest in attracting the opposite sex, but I believe the most honest way to do that is by dressing myself in whatever makes me feel the most like ME. I might show my back, some stomach or legs, but I’m not doing that for the sole purpose of reeling in men.

Okie doke, now that we have that established, we can move forward.

What makes a long sleeve shirt more modest than a tank top?

Are arms immodest? Are shoulders?

At what point does immodesty kick into effect?

We like crop tops, shorts, high heels, open-back shirts, and strapless dresses.

They make us feel confident.

THAT is what women should be dressing for.

We are not responsible for men’s thoughts. That is a blatant lie fed to us by those who would like us to wear burkas and stay indoors. Rigid Christians (and rigid peoples of other beliefs, such as Islam) who think that to show is skin is to be immodest when really it’s all about intention.

As stated above, we dress to feel beautiful, to feel good about ourselves. We don’t dress so that men walking down the street want to hire us to have sex with them.

Modesty is different for different people! We aren’t trying to tell you what to wear. But be mindful of who you are dressing for.

On a slightly different, but very related, note…


What. The. Heck?

Why is this term a thing?

When did people decide that being a slut is something to be praised and protected? That’s like saying prostitution is fine and stripping is morally fine.

By the way, since nobody can use a dictionary anymore, the word “Slut” is defined as ” a woman with many sexual partner. See; whore, tramp, harlot”

It’s not about her dressing a certain way. It’s about behavior. Shameful behavior that we should not be encouraging.

The problem with people is that we think it’s better to encourage someone in wrong behavior rather than hurt their feelings.

It’s like saying “No, you’re fine, I’m not going to try to lead you away from Hell because your eternal misfortune is not worth hurting your feelings by saying that maybe you should present yourself in a way that’s a little more respectable.”

If you love someone, you want them to be happy, to feel good, but also you want them to know when they have messed up.

It’s like the relationship between parents and children. Parents love their kids and have their best interest at heart. But when the kid does something wrong, they get disciplined. It’s not because the parent doesn’t love their child. The exact opposite. The parents love their child so much that they don’t want them to repeat that mistake.

That’s what we have to do for our friends.

If Bohemian Goddess was walking around in hot pants and a bralette and stilettos, sleeping with anyone that wanted to have sex with her, you can bet your sweet patuckus I’d tell her to knock it off because she’s worth more than that.

That’s what the heart of modesty is. Self-worth. Respectability.

When you dress for other people it’s no longer about how you view yourself. And that’s unhealthy and you’ll never get the fulfillment you’re looking for.

Common Courtesy is not so Common Anymore

In this bustling, hectic word people forget or ignore things as simple as being polite and respectful to the rest of the souls doing the same thing as you- waking up, earning money, going to bed.

It is sad that when someone says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ how much it makes my day.

Why have we neglected such simple yet positive words?

I know that it’s hard. You’re in a rush, you’re late, you’re sleepy, you’ve had a bad day.

But haven’t you ever, just once, thought “that person was kinda rude.” ?

You don’t want to be that person.

Especially when someone is serving you, such as in the food industry or even retail, where the employees are all there to make your experience better, you want to be respectful. I try to always remember to be polite and respectful because their entire job is serving people. Making people things, helping people find the right items, customer service.

Now, granted, not everyone in customer service has fantastic customer service skills. It’s something a lot of people never really perfect. But smiling, being patient, and saying thank you or ‘have a great day’ goes so very far.

It’s refreshing to the person you’re interacting with, who in turn, will most likely be friendlier and more polite to you as well.

Our generation loves conflict. We love aggression and moving quickly. But we don’t have to be jerks to those trying to help us. We don’t have to be negative to complete strangers just because we’re having a crappy day. It doesn’t have to work like that.

So next time your barista, waiter, clerk, shop attendant, or whoever smiles and tells you to have a good day, smile back. Say ‘you too.’ You have no idea how much it actually brightens up their day.

They may be having the worst work day of the year. You don’t want to contribute.

Have a fantastic day everyone 😉