Cover Boy

This post won’t be very long since I’m doing this on my phone. However I have one question.

Where did it all fall apart?

The newest Cover”girl” is, in fact, a boy. He has a mans jaw, masculine build, and oh yeah, a penis. All of these thing make him male. Biologically he is male.

But because one day he got a delusion that he should be a girl, everyone decided he should be a girl. So now he’s a girl.

Except that he’s not. All he did was put makeup on.

The problem nowadays is the fact that people think sex (as in anatomically) and gender are different, when they are actually biologically synonymous.

It’s fine that people say you can pick your sexual orientation. It’s true that you can choose what you’re attracted to. That doesn’t make it right or normal, but it is true. You can be attracted to potatoes for all I care.

What you cannot choose is WHAT YOU ARE. You can’t wake up one morning and decide you’re male even though you have a vagina in the same way I cannot wake up and decide I am a baby penguin.

It is impossible, illogical, and sinful.

Christians, you are not called to condone this! Saying this is ok is saying God makes mistakes when He creates us. How dare you accuse our God of that.

I was born a female. That is what God intended me to be and no mental illness can change that.

Just because a man takes estrogen and puts makeup on, that doesn’t make him a woman. Neither does a sex change because he cannot carry, give birth, or feed a baby.

Just because a woman takes testosterone and dresses differently does not make her a man.

Why is this a difficult concept?

We are a disgustingly fallen world.

I Don’t Need Feminism Because…

I don’t need feminism because I do not see myself as a slut, nor do I see that as something to be proud of.

I’m in a loving relationship with a man who loves to take care of me and we’re on the same page about our relationship.

Rape culture does not exist.

I don’t see myself as better than men.

The wage gap does not exist. See here

I am a Christian, I know that traditional roles for men and women are Biblical.

I am secure in being a woman.

I don’t need abortion.

Hair dye has not leaked into my brain, causing delusions.

I know what hygiene is.

I wear a bra (bouncing boobs is painful. It’s not about the patriarchy)

The patriarchy does not exist.

I am not voting for Hillary just because she is a woman and appeals to womens “ideals”.

I have the logics.

As you can see, I don’t need feminism. Many women don’t need feminism. Actually, no one needs modern feminism. It is a cancer in our society. And poor men are suffering from it. They are being attacked for existing. Women are not.

The grit of it is women are getting a kick out of being victims. They are looking for things to get offended by. Stop being a bunch of pansies. You are making me ashamed of my gender.

Seriously, when did feminism become yelling in a street, your armpit hair pink, in lingerie garters with X’s taped over your nipples?

It used to be about respect. About a single woman being able to support her family. About women having a say in who’s president.

Now women want “free bleeding” “free the nipples” and free abortion.

I don’t need these things. Neither do you. Grow up.

Religious Tunage

“We’re going down to the river
Down to the river, down to the river to pray
Let’s get washed by the water
Washed by the water and rise up in amazing grace
Let’s go down, down, down to the river (You will leave changed)
Let’s go down, down, down to the river (Never the same)”

  • The River

“There’s a war between guilt and grace
And they’re fighting for a sacred space
But I’m living proof
Grace wins every time”

  • Grace Wins

“You are loved
If your heart’s in a thousand pieces
If you’re lost and you’re far from reason
Just look up; know you are loved
Just look up; and know you are loved
When it feels like something’s missing
If it hurts but you can’t find healing
Just look up, know you are loved
Just look up, know you are loved

  • You Are Loved

“So when you’re on your knees and answers seem so far away
You’re not alone, stop holding on and just be held
Your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place
I’m on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
Just be held, just be held”

  • Just Be Held


These are choruses from the four most popular Christian songs today. Really, they sound like one song if you string them together.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t absolutely hate Christian music.

But honestly….. They’re all the same.

God is there

He is with you.

You are loved.

No worries.

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, but generally speaking, Christian songs and shallow puddles of acoustic guitar and keyboards playing the same four chords in every song.

The Bible is deep. There is so much substance there. And so many old hymns portray that so beautifully.

But nowadays contemporary Christians music is like spoon-feeding a baby. Here is the bare bones of Christianity: Jesus loves you.

And of course, it’s true. But can’t you ever sing about anything that has to do with real life? I wanna hear the song about God helped you out of an abusive relationship. I want the grit of real life, the angst, the depression, the pressure.

NOT “I was going through all this hard crap but I was fine because God is with me.”


No one is ever fine going through break ups, addictions, mental illness, death, depression. No one. It doesn’t matter how devout you are, how many times you go to your church during the week. It doesn’t matter who you study the Bible with or how you pray.

Saying that you are ok going through all of that is bullcrap.

You’re lying. You are lying to non-Christians about what faith means.

Faith doesn’t mean you are ok. Faith doesn’t mean you’re happy all the time.

Faith means you have somewhere to go to. Faith means there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Faith is not flowers. Faith is a coach while you struggle through an obstacle course. Faith is your best friend. Faith is not some prescription medicine you take to feel good about yourself.

That’s why Christian music pisses me off. It’s not real. It’s not what people struggle with. It’s so candy-coated.

Step it up, people. I would love some substance.

Our Nation Needs Christians

Ok, I cannot be the only person annoyed that WordPress changed the menu bar to a rainbow. Not everyone supports the Supreme Court’s decision.

I am one of those people.

This opens the door to polygamy and, apparently, pedophilia.

Lovely stuff.

And the LGBTQGSLPANGMCHYSDFXYZ community is soooo hateful towards anyone who does not support their personal decisions, and especially towards Christians.

By the way, did you know that only 2.3% of our nation is gay/lesbians/trans/bi or whatever?

The media would have you believe that it’s actually 30%.

That is not true. You are being lied to.

I’m sick of this.

I love all you people. I hate the sin that is fully embraced by our nation. God will straighten us out. Christians, make sure you are solid in the Word. Non-believers, it may be time to give the Bible a chance.

Praying for our nation today. Have a great Sunday.

Congratulations! You’re Baby is a Pansexual Gender-queer girl! Unless She Changes Her Mind…

I’ve had people try to tell me that there’s this whole spectrum of sexes. No longer are there men and women. There are a myriad of different combinations for the Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Queer Pan Asexual (I’m pretty sure there’s more) community.


There’s men. There’s women. There are occasional hermaphrodites, which are a different topic altogether. But outside of men and women are confused people searching for an identity, trying to be shocking, or genuinely lost.

In the Bible God said He made man and he made woman in His image. He did not say anything else about any other sexes. They don’t exist. Whatever “science” has been done to prove there’s this vast expanse of different sexes is obviously not very good. All you have to do is look at anatomy and you can tell fairly easily if someone is male or female.

When you’re pregnant and you find out the gender of your baby, does the doctor say “Congratulations. You’re having a being that is neither male nor female, we actually have no clue what it is but I’m sure it fits somewhere in this super cool spectrum we have created once it decides for itself what it is.”

No. The doctor tells you it’s either a boy or a girl. And that’s that.

I don’t even know what to think about this spectrum thing. What do you call these interlopers floating in the space between male and female who apparently get to pick, consciously, that’s what they are. Who cares about biology and cold hard facts. It’s all about feelings now. Bunch of hippies….

I’m all for being yourself personality wise, but if I were to all of sudden decide I was a boy, it would literally be unnatural. My reproductive system is all inside my body. I have boobs. I’m a girl. It’s obvious. It’s the way God made me.

The Bible tells us  (I believe it’s in Psalms) that we are all formed perfectly in the womb. Exactly how God means us to be. If He means someone to be a man, that person is a man. If He means someone to be a woman, she’s a woman. These people don’t get to grow up and decide they’re something different.

We’re raising a generation of confused little kids. In their world it is normal to decide you are biologically something else. It’s all over the media. It’s everywhere. There’s no escaping the sin that has engulfed us. There is no black and white anymore. Only grey.

What gets me most is that Christians go along with it. Someone wants to change who God made them to be? Awesome. Let’s ignore the entire Bible, all of what our faith and belief is founded upon, and support them in their sin. Encourage the sin! We don’t care that we know they’ll go to Hell unless they find God. As long as they’re happy on earth right? Forget about eternity. It’s all about now. It’s all about their feelings.

That’s not loving. By accepting their sin now you are condemning them. Quit being so afraid of hurting feelings and go help people.

Just to head off a few arguments: Yes, I brought up hermaphrodites. I acknowledge that they exist. That is a biological issue. Anything else is psychological.

If you try telling me  “You don’t know what’s going on in their biology.” well you don’t either and I’m a little confident that in the past fifteen or so years suddenly peoples actual biology is NOT changing while they are walking around.

In short: There isn’t a spectrum. There are men. There are women. That’s God’s final word.

Adapting God (Stop Trying)

It’s not really the best idea to take an all-powerful, all-knowing God and try to squeeze him into your little worldview box.

He doesn’t fit.

I see it all the time, people deciding that God actually thinks one thing because it fits what they want to believe, what they’re comfortable with.

Listen, God doesn’t actually care what we think is right and wrong, unless it follows the Bible. There’s a couple glaring examples of people deciding God is on their side so that they don’t have to feel convicted. The most popular ones are homosexuality and abortion, naturally, with feminism and divorce following close behind.

God is very clear on His view of homosexuality. I’ve done a post about this even and you can read it here. Old Testament, New Testament, God is clear on what He thinks about homosexuality.

So you know someone who’s gay or lesbian, trans, bi, queer, gender-fluid, non-conforming, all these ridiculous titles. Everyone does. Does that mean God understands the situation and made it an exception? No. You can’t make God adapt to fit your situation. He doesn’t do that.

Hebrews 13:8 (NASB) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

So what he said was right and wrong 6,000 years ago, is still right and wrong today. Just because the world is changing does not mean God is. The world is becoming more and more sinful. It’s up to us to see that sin is not ok, not try to fool ourselves and everyone else into thinking God changes with the world.

Same deal with abortion. It’s murder. We all know how God feels about murder. But for some reason, abortion is different than murder because everyone knows it’s just a group of cells right? Wrong.

Well, scientifically, we’re just groups of cells controlled by an organ in our heads. Life begins at conception. It is not up to us to end it. God doesn’t make exceptions.

Sure, you have free will. You can make exceptions to morality if you want to, no one’s stopping you really. Except certain laws, of course. But don’t try to pass it off as God saying it’s ok because times have changed. No where in the Bible does it say that.

I hope I’ve made my point clear. If you would like more verses just ask. If you have Biblical proof that God changes with the times and circumstances of your personal life, feel free to share 🙂

Confessions of a Ninja Ballerina: Bad Days

Some days are just bad.

You wake up and you have a headache, you’re just in a sour mood, your coffee didn’t even taste good, your hair’s a mess, you can’t find anything to wear, and for pity’s sake you can’t even get your eyeliner to look the same on both eyes.

Then you have to go to work.

Let’s be real here. Your boss doesn’t like it when you come in with a bad mood, your co-workers don’t like it, and the employees don’t like it. You have to get over it, but how?

In my case, it’s especially hard to find a minute to breathe because my job is watching and teaching 40 7-12 year old public school kids. But I have found that locking myself in the bathroom for a minute to breathe does wonders.

Really though, the first step in getting past your bad mood is letting yourself. Sometimes we get stuck in our grumpiness and we kind of enjoy the self-pity. Too bad. Be open to smiling a little.

Let your co-workers cheer you up. If you’re friends with any of them, they’re probably already trying. If you despise your co-workers (I hope you don’t. It’s miserable) then at least let their complete foolishness and ridiculousness cheer you up.

Filter out the bad employees. The rude comments, the frustrating situations, the immature arguments, everything. Don’t hold on to it. It’s not worth it. Instead pay attention to the friendly smiles, fun exchanges, and if you work with kids, the random hugs and odd conversations.

It all boils down to what attitude you choose to have. If you are intent and being sucked into this bad mood, never to return, then nothing will cheer you up. You have to be open to the good things happening around you and let them influence your attitude.

I hope you all have a really good day. 😁

Those Sinful Taxcollectors

I love learning new things about Jesus’ life and his mission on earth. I hope you feel the same.

This morning my mom and I read Matthew 9:9-13 (My favorite passage of the three. If you’re only going to read one of the passages, read this one.) Mark 2:13-17, and Luke 5:27-32

First off, to avoid confusion, Levi and Matthew are the same person. Don’t ask how that happened, I don’t know.

So, Jesus calls Levi (Matthew) to follow Him, so of course he does, and he’s so excited he throws this banquet.

Well Jesus found Matthew sitting at a tax collectors booth, so obviously there were a few tax collectors.

The Pharisees and Scribes got all upset, because when don’t they?

They asked Jesus why He was eating with sinners. Jesus replied with the most awesome reply ever.

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Does it seem profound to you? Because it seems profound to me.

The first sentence goes along pretty well with the verse about seeing the plank in your own eye. Most of us know that verse pretty well. Careful not to misuse it. That verse isn’t saying that you must be sinless in order to judge another Christian’s sin. It is saying you have to be honest to yourself and recognize what your sin is. It’s about avoiding being hypocritical, not about being blameless and not judging others.

The second part of Jesus’ answer is referring to Hosea 6:6 and Micah 6:6-8. I encourage you to look them up, they are both great verses. They are saying how burnt offerings and sacrifices are not what God wants. He doesn’t want a big showy display of Christiaity. He wants acknowledgement and for us to walk with Him as best we can.

The verse uses the word mercy. Mercy does not mean excusing a sin and saying that everything is ok as long we love each other. It means desiring what is good for others. What is better than salvation and repentance? How can someone repent without knowing what their sin is?

The last part is Jesus reminding the ignorant Pharisees yet again what His mission was. It was not to call the righteous, but to reach the sinners and bring them closer to God.

Note the wording. Jesus didn’t use the word ‘believers’ he used ‘righteous’. Who among us is righteous? No one. We are all sinners. He was not saying He was only calling sinners and left the believers alone. He spoke to the sinners who recognized that they were sinners and recognized their need for Him. Not the self-righteous Pharisees and scribes.

Jesus was emphasizing the need to acknowledge your own sin and turn to Him. I love that. I love that that was His focus because it is so important to repent. It’s how we get closer to God.


Just to be 100% clear, since people keep getting confused about this:

I am not blogging to non-believers.

I am blogging to Christians.

You have to talk to the two groups differently on religious manners.

I am blogging about sin because the church has forgotten what God says about it.


Read the above line again. I have the verses, if you don’t believe me.

I am not calling out any single people group, I am sharing what God says about certain things.

I don’t want to hear about your ‘feelings’ on the issues if you’re trying to prove me wrong. Show me I’m wrong in God’s Word.

I do not blog about all sins because for the most part, Christians still believe murder, theft, adultery, and other sins to be wrong. They’ve forgotten when it comes to things like homosexuality, divorce, and abortion. So that’s what I blog about.

If you don’t like my style, I’m sure there’s a blogger out there who is saying exactly what you want them to.

Believe it or not, my way is effective, maybe just not to you. Not everyone is like you. Try seeing a different perspective for once.

I am not Catholic, so if you are Catholic and try to argue with me on the validity of the Bible, please don’t, because we will just disagree.

I hope my stance is clear and that you can be tolerant of it.

Confessions of a Ninja Ballerina: Organization

Planning is good.

I have, today, decided to actually do some planning for my dance classes. My mom had the fantastic idea to put my combinations on notecards in a little notecard box, separated into the different types of steps by the little dividers.

What’s awesome about this is that I can write down all the combinations, every week, and eventually and I can just pull out notecards to plan my class.

If you teach anything like dance or martial arts or anything, this is a great idea. If it’s dance, you can even write the song you used on the notecard, which is what I’m going to do.

Looking forward to today’s well-planned class. 🙂

Any dancers following me? Comment if you’d like me to make a post with some of my favorite combinations.