Use Them Logics

So, I was blessed enough to be homeschooled by a mom that cared about my education. She made sure I had all my basics down and added in specialty classes to shape me into a functioning member of society.

I spent an entire semester studying logic.

Thank the Good Lord.

It is honestly the class I think I am most thankful for.

I can debate an issue clearly, without resorting to name-calling, emotions, character-attacks, and logical fallacies that make my position less plausible.

My big question is, why don’t all the other parents care?! I have gotten into many many discussions/arguments where my ‘opponent’ has completely denied the existence of logic.

If you’ll excuse the language I have been called a dumbass more times than I can count without any proof of what I’m being so dumb about!

Dear Parents,

Please teach your child to come up with valid points. Teach to avoid the petty and childish character-attacks in order to win arguments. Teach your kids how to research, cross-reference. Teach them to discuss controversial topics civilly. Teach them to be respectful even when someone disagrees.

Logical people do not riot in the streets and they don’t think name calling wins an argument.

-A Concerned Young Woman

I have had many conversations with people my age where their references are social media, fake news sources, or the first statistic they find in Google search. They don’t know how to effectively stand up for their beliefs. They contradict themselves without even realizing it.

Because, I honestly don’t care if you agree with me or not. But if you disagree by posting a comment full of expletives, claiming I know nothing because I’m hateful, judgmental, racist, without any proof or any reason for you to think that, I can’t take you seriously.

I will make sure my children study logic and debate. I want them to be prepared for the real world. I hope you do the same.

And if you never had a chance to study logic and debate in school, it’s never too late to learn! They are easy concepts that simply take practice. You can google logical fallacies and learn them in a day. You don’t want to be THAT person when trying to prove your point.


This year I have seen a lot of posts about Halloween and how Christians should respond to it. I’d love to throw in my two cents.

It’s generally accepted that Halloween originated with the Celts  and their New Year Festival called Samhein. In this featival they would dress up to ward off ghouls and ghosts. There were great bonfires and animal sacrifices to keep evil spirits away, not to invite them in.

While they were misled and pagan, still it was not a truly Satanic festival.

This type of festival was present in many cultures as a harvest festival, a time of rejoicing

The Catholic Church then Christianized it to the become All Hallows’ Eve, All Hallows’ Day, and All Saints Day, the same way Christmas was Christianized from a pagan holiday. You can look up the history Halloween on a Catholic site and get a pretty detailed report.

Yes, it’s true, there are plenty of people who turn Halloween into a celebration of Satan and demons and darkness. Just like there are plenty of people who glorify Santa on Christmas and people who have pre-marital sex on Valentine’s Day.

There are plenty of people who are oblivious to any meaning of Halloween and just use it as an excuse to get candy on sale from the store.

By letting kids, or adults, celebrate Halloween, they are not thrusting their soul into Lucifers face saying “Here! I dressed up and asked a stranger for candy! My soul is now your slave!”

Thats ridiculous

Halloween in the States has become much more of a time when everyone gets to pretend they are someone or something they are not. We get to socialize, have fun with our friends, get creative, and develop seven cavities in one night.

I think what gets me most is the churches response to Halloween activities. They encourage churches to host “Hallelujah Festivals” or “Light Festivals” to counter the evils of Halloween. So instead of your kids dressing up and going door to door for candy (which is strictly Satanic and inherently evil) they instead get to dress up and play games to win candy, which is praising the Lord

They are still all doing it for the same reason. Kids just want candy.

Don’t get me wrong, church festivals can be fun and a good way for kids to stay warm and socialize with their church buddies. My problem is the demonization of going trick-or-treating even though it’s the same exact thing.

When you get down to it, Celebrating Halloween as a Christian is the same as any other day you celebrate. Don’t worship Satan.


A Godless Argument? Ok. Sure. If….

“Explain to me how _____ is _____ blank without using God.”

Ok.. But then you have to tell me how I’m wrong using only God.

That’s how it works. You want me to argue my point your way? Well then you have to argue yours my way. It’s only fair.

People say I’m set in my views. Of course I am. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have a very strong, confident argument, now would I? I wouldn’t have any basis for anything.

And no, I won’t be very open to secular viewpoints because they go against my beliefs. Just like y’all don’t like my opinion because they go against yours.

However, if you use the Bible to show me that I’m wrong, give me verses and logical arguments, then I would love to read those. I want to be doing what is Biblically right.

If you see anything wrong with this logic, please tell me. Because it makes perfect sense to me.

It Takes Two

You know how people say ‘a relationship is between two people, not the world.’ Well guess what? That’s true. I suppose that’s why I don’t really like the courting idea. Because then the relationship is kind of the family’s property, not just the two people.

There are so many perks to spending most the time in a relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend and just them


  • Builds trust

There are so many things that you just don’t feel comfortable sharing in front of family, yours or theirs. Deepest secrets, weird quirks, random things. Talking alone, just the two of you, reveals a whole new side of yourself, a side that is normally hidden away. It creates a level of trust that has no equal.

  • Going beyond the surface

An extension of the previous, and biggest, reason. When you’re alone is when you show your raw personality for them to either accept or reject. You begin to learn whether or not you’re truly compatible. You discover quirks and potential conflicts. You find out what traits are endearing and which are infuriating.

  • Allows the relationship to progress naturally.

When it’s just the two of you, no external influences are either forcing or stunting the progression of the relationship. You come to things as you come to things. Sure, there will be some outside expectations, but it doesn’t seem like they carry as much weight as they would if your entire relationship was on display for family.

In no way am I saying that family involvement in unnecessary or bad. I’m just saying it should be limited. You may be able to be yourself around your family, but what about your boyfriend/girlfriend? They couldn’t possibly feel comfortable sharing the weirdest, most wonderful parts of them with your entire family present. They will be opened to some, not all, of those things over time.

But definitely make sure that they are around your family an acceptable amount, especially if you’re entertaining the idea that one day you could marry that person. Because then they will be part of the family, so they better know what they’re getting into.

so 50
What are your opinions on the involvement of family in relationships?

Soul Mate

Soul Mate. The phrase brings to mind the whimsical, romantic, slightly ridiculous idea that there is one person in the whole world that you’re meant to be with. Kind of insane, right? But are soul mates real?

I recently read a blog post by Trusty Chucks (Mary) about this very issue. I did not agree with her position on the issue and I would like to state my own. Please understand that I’m not trying to bash on Mary, I’m simply reviewing her post and countering her arguments. Like a debate, except I’m the only one who knows about it…

First of all, though, I would like to ask you very kindly not to disregard my opinion on this just because I’m young. No, I haven’t had much experience in this field (though I’m pretty positive my boyfriend is my soul mate… just saying), but I’ve had good, and bad, relationships modeled for me throughout my life. And anyway, this is just an opinion piece. I hope you spend some time thinking about this is all.

Mary’s definition of a soul mate, however, was skewed. She believed that a soul mate is the non-existent person who would complete you, fill in the holes in your life in every way possible. The rest of her argument branched off of this theory.

I’d like to point out the dictionary defines a soul mate as a person, especially of the opposite sex, with whom one has a deeply personal relationship. Nothing about being completed, or doing the completing. And… well that kind of covers her argument.

Now, how about where God is concerned? Are soul mates Biblical? I believe they are. For one thing, God has only one person in mind for you to marry, not a dozen that you can choose from. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a soul mate to me.

I believe soul mates are real in that sense. God has someone out there for you. He, or she, won’t be perfect, they won’t fill in all the gaps. You need God for that. But they’re meant for you. That’s your soul mate.

Please comment your opinions on this, I’m super curious to hear them 🙂

Modest is Hottest

Oh, but what is modesty, hm? Many people have different opinions on modesty. And it seem like some don’t have an opinion about it at all…

Please, while you’re reading this, keep in mind that this is MY opinion, not what your opinion must be. Though, it wouldn’t hurt to agree with me 😉 Haha kidding, kidding…. except only kind of.

Anyway, girls, let’s talk modesty. According to the dictionary modesty is sexual reserve: reserve in appearance, manner, and speech, especially in relation to sexual matters. This doesn’t mean you can’t wear tank tops and shorts, that’s not what I believe at all. And, just to share, I sometimes even let my bra straps show *gasp*. You should dress comfortably, and in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. You’re allowed to look cute and feel beautiful.

But, when you start dressing for other people, that’s when lines get blurred. For instance, when you pick out a low-cut tank top, because it’ll get the boys excited… yeah, not modest, not Christian, not classy.

Plus, as a Christian girl, I don’t want to tempt my boyfriend into sexual thoughts. I’m not saying I’m perfect. Of course I want him to like how I look. Confession: I’ve worn shorts because I knew he’d like them. They weren’t, like, spandex, booty shorts. Just regular denim shorts, not even that short. But it wasn’t because I wanted him to think about me like that. It was because I know he likes how I look, and I personally believe that it’s ok to be flirty in how you dress as long as it’s not immodest (sexual, trashy, provocative, whatever floats your goat)

There’s another side to this though, because if you’re dating someone, you want them to be physically attracted to you. I’m sure boys try not to think about girls in a sexual way all the time (well some of them at least… the one’s worth dating) but that’s just not how the world works. And you can’t blame them, girls have those thoughts too. God made men and women attracted to one another, and not just our brains.

So, summary: Modesty; good. Temptation; bad. It’s ok to wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself. It’s not ok when you wear clothes just to look hot, or sexy, or whatever.

Swimsuits! NOT an excuse to wear the minimal amount of clothing and say it’s ok because it’s a swimsuit. Honestly, some things are for your husbands eyes only. Bikinis = bad. They were invented, not for comfort, but to show as much skin as possible.

Um… yeah I think I made my point. Comment opinions please 😀