The Truth About the Last Frontier

I live in Alaska, you know that Russian territory down by Hawaii. My home is an igloo. I have a dog team that pulls my sled to school in the winter, and to friends’ igloos in the “summer”. My sister was once mauled by a penguin. My last igloo was destroyed by a polar bear. It’s always dark.


polar bear
Haha KIDDING!!!!!!

Okay, I’m here to dispel some myths about Alaska that the Lower 48 has. And Hawaii…. why isn’t it the Lower 49? Don’t ask me.

First off: We don’t live in igloos. We live in real houses, with walls, beds, and tv. We even have heat. Most houses up here have a fireplace.

We are not a part of Russia! Or Canada! Or a separate country! We are, in fact, a state. Neither are we down by Hawaii. They just show it that way on some maps to save room. Because, Alaska is as big as the continental US, if you include the islands. Yeah, it’s that big.

Not everyone owns sled dogs. Lots of people do, but not everyone. No, the main form of transportation up here is cars. We have roads. Paved roads. Well… some of them are paved. Most of them are paved.

We actually have a summer. It even  gets into the 80’s every summer. Sometimes it reaches the 90’s.

There. Are. No. Penguins. In. Alaska.


That’s Antarctica. The other pole.

Yes, there are polar bears, but only way, way, way up north. Arctic Circle. No, the bears you have to worry about are the grizzly bears. Black bears aren’t very threatening.

Alaskans see the sun too, just like every other part of the world. Granted, days get pretty short in the winter, it gets dark around 4 in December, the sun doesn’t rise again until around 11 the next day. At least in my neck of the woods. However, in the summer, the sun hardly ever sets. Seriously, it’s called the Land of the Midnight Sun for a reason…

So what other questions do you have about Alaska? I’ll be happy to answer them 🙂