
Ah, the favorite Democratic presidential candidate.

There are so many reasons to not vote for Bernie Sanders. Here are some of them.

~ Pro-choice (pro-abortion)
Morally this is wrong. As a Christian it is an abomination. It seems like as a nation we are taking steps to do away with abortions, but not fast enough. And it won’t get done with people like this.
~ Voted NO to banning partial birth abortions
What the what. The baby is BEING BORN. It is obviously a tiny human. It’s moving, crying, breathing. You can’t kill it. It’s alive. That’s murder.
~Voted yes on over 200 billion in stimulus spending
If you believe stimulus spending is actually good for the economy, you haven’t done any research. Here’s just one link for you. There’s many more.
~Black Lives Matter
The point of this organization is stop racism. How can you stop racism by perpetuating it through telling everyone that this one specific race of people are important enough to single themselves out by saying Black Lives Matter.
Good job ending racism. Let me know how that goes folks.
~Voted NO on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance
Doesn’t want to protect the phrase “One Nation, Under God”
A lot of people don’t see this as an issue. As a Christian its a huge issue, a violation of traditional marriage, a pathway to polygamy, and make us as a nation similar to Sodom and Gomorrah.
~”War on Drugs is a failed policy”
He’s saying this because he’s pro-drug. War on Drugs would be great if there weren’t so many political top hats pro-drug.
~Voted NO on military border patrol to battle drugs and terrorism
No wonder its a failed policy. People like Bernie don’t want to do anything to keep illegal drugs out of our country.
~Voted NO on subjecting federal employees to random drug tests
What, federal employees never use drugs? For real?
~ Wants to spend 70 billion to make college and universities “tuition-free”
Does anyone understand that “tuition-free” does not mean free of charge to anyone. That’s still our money. That’s still our nations money. It comes from us. The only difference is the people using it didn’t have to work for it.
~Pro-Common Core
How do you make 10 out of 8+5?
You don’t.
Common Core needs to rot in hell.
~Wants to spend 18 billion to fund two-year “free” tuition at state colleges
AGAIN that’s our money given to people that don’t want to work for their own.
~Voted YES on additional 10.2 billion for federal education &HHS projects
This is money we don’t have ON TOP of money we don’t have.
~Voted YES on 84 million in grants for Black and Hispanic colleges
So… the same man who wants to end racism wants to give different ethnic groups their very own colleges and spaces.
You mean… segregation…?
~GMO’s are ok with labeling
The problem is, companies get tricky in their labeling because people don’t want to buy GMO stuffs.
~LGBTQ values are ‘family values’
Uh no. No they aren’t.
~He actually has an anti-family-value voting record
~Pro Syrian Refugees
The majority of Syrian refugees are young men ages 17-28 who are perfectly capable of fighting for their country. Either they are un-patriotic or they’re up to something here in the US
~Voted YES on congressional pay raise
Because they don’t get paid enough?!
~Voted NO on requiring an ID to vote in any election
Only US citizens should vote because illegal immigrants are only going to vote for whoever benefits them the most, not the country.
~Honestly can’t make up his mind on gun control
“Guns in Vermont are for hunting. In LA they’re for killing people.”
Is he really this stupid?
Donald deMag
Jason Michael Hann
Brian L. Rooney. All Vermont murderers.
There are hunters living in Los Angeles. Stop being an idiot Bernie.
~Pro-gun control voting record
Clear violation of the 2nd amendment.
~Mental  health coverage would stop homicide and suicide
Just it’s existence? Because people only get help if they want help. Also, are you saying that the GUN isn’t the issue here? That maybe *gasp* it’s the people using the gun??
~Voted NO on allowing tribal Indians to opt out of federal healthcare
Isn’t it pretty racist to take away their right to choose? After all they were here first…
~No Border fence
~Voted NO on declaring English the official language of the US
Because apparently it’s unfair to illegal immigrants who are here illegally and who don’t bother to learn English first because they are illegal.
~Supports raising minimum wage to $15
And consequently supports the loss of minimum wage jobs across the country.
~Voted yes on extending unemployment to 59 weeks
That’s over a year! Who can’t get another job in a YEAR?!
We are rewarding people for being lazy in this country. Why do you think America is the fattest country?
~”Our invasion of Iraq led to ISIS”
What?! You think our country led to the creation of ISIS?? I got news for you. Before we invaded there was the Taliban. There’s just always terrorists. Not our fault.
So these are just a few reasons why Bernie Sanders would make a positively horrific president.