How to Get Your Friends to Disapprove of You in 1 Easy Step

Step 1: Be a Christian who dates in high school. (If you’re homeschooled, this adds to the effect.)


Okay, so maybe this isn’t the most effective way for most of you. In order for this to work you need to be Christian, with Christian friends who aren’t allowed to date yet. And like I said, it works best if you and your friends are homeschooled.

I have nothing against my friends who think dating in high school isn’t the greatest idea. However, there are some fantastic perks to dating in high school.

  • Boundaries are already set by parents.

Let’s face it, for some of us, boundaries are not easy to maintain. In dating, this can be dangerous. But, when you date in high school, your parents set the boundaries… and there are awful consequences if you step outside those boundaries. Come on, who likes getting yelled at by disappointed parents? No one? That’s what I thought.

  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend has to get to know your family.

I’m not an expert in the field of college dating, but if you’re off away at college before you start dating, it gets a lot harder for your family to get to know who you’re dating.

  • Makes your relationship with your parents stronger.

Now, maybe this isn’t true for everyone, but it has been very true for me, especially with my mother. I get a ton of guidance from her, guidance that I probably wouldn’t get if I was moved out. I tell her practically everything that goes on with me and my boyfriend. She laughs with me when something great happens, and helps me to be reasonable when something not-so-great happens. This has all helped along the inevitable transition from parent/child to friends.

  • You see your parents’ marriage in a new light.

Being in a relationship has given me an entirely new perspective on my parents’ relationship. It has made me appreciate how much work it takes to stay in love with someone and shown me how to appreciate my boyfriend’s strengths and weaknesses. 

  • Parents’ experiences can help the young couple

Your parents’ are pretty good at recognizing issues early on, especially if they had to go through the same things. In these cases, your parents can give super helpful insight about how to solve these problems. And my mom has given me quite a few pointers on dealing with men 😛

So yes, I have reasons for why I think dating in high school isn’t a terrible idea, I’m not just some love-struck teenage girl who decided that her way was the right way.

Opinions, people? I’m sure you have them 🙂 


6 thoughts on “How to Get Your Friends to Disapprove of You in 1 Easy Step

  1. GM….I think dating in high school is smart (a long as you behave within reasonable parameters). My folks were really strict and when I could finally date, the efforts were disastrous. Learning about relationship behaviors early on may save you from headache later on. Just my opinion:-)


  2. Alexis says:

    I think that singleness can be extremely valuable. I have seen both sides and have realized how precious singleness is. It gives you time to focus just on you and God. Sure, a relationship can teach you a lot, but im infinitely glad that God created this time for me to learn and grow in the absence of a relationship. Just something to ponder a little

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